Simple household activities can also contribute to proper waste management
Soldering helpful tips and tricks
BIG THREE with Baluns and Coils/Traps, now all Silent Keys.
Ralph H. Jannini III, KA1FAA (sk), owner of Unadilla, passed away on January 1, 2019.
No further news since August 2019, when estate went into Probate.
There were purchase offers for Unadilla (thru the years),
but Mr. Jannini was very specific in preserving product Quality by new owner(s).
Paul A. Wandelt, W2AU : The BIG Signal (1:1 and 4:1 Voltage-type)
M. Walter Maxwell, W2DU : Maxi-Balun (HF and VHF, Current-type)
Fred L. Reynolds, W2VS : The OLD Reliable (Antenna Coils & Traps)
This is a channel dedicated to amateur radio. Most of the videos focus on operating techniques to maximize the features in modern transceivers. You can combine various features in order to accomplish greater things than any one feature might accomplish on its own.
Thank you Hannah for the link.. good luck with your merit badges.
Mutant Mics Look at what Chris can do...
6 Band hexagonal beam antenna covering 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, and 20 meter bands
The NA4RR broadband hexagonal beam is not a "kit". This is a plug-and-play design that not only fits your budget but is easy to assemble.
DAVIS RF Co., Davis Associates, Inc., and its affiliate, Orion Wire Corporation provide electronic and electrical wire, cable, RF connectors, DSP audio filters, rope, non-conductive guy cables for aerial or tower support; plus sundry aerial related parts. Davis RF also furnishes wire and cable design and end product for almost any form of specialty cable or custom application. Our services are providing high quality products for numerous industries and interests such as the government, military, avionics, oceanographic, robotics, medical, marine, automotive, microwave, and the amateur radio hobby. Our company philosophy supports a high level of quality products and exceptionally attractive pricing.
DXtreme Software produces powerful and easy-to-use logging applications for radio enthusiasts such as:
Amateur Radio operators
Shortwave DXers
Shortwave listeners
Broadcast band DXers
VHF, UHF, and TV DXer
Palomar Engineers
Palomar Engineers provides ferrite and iron power core products for radio communication and (RFI/EMI) interference suppression from 100 Khz to 1000 Mhz.
Amateur Radio & DX reference Guide
Features a large collection of links covering ham radio and DX topics.
World's leading amateur radio callsign database news, technical articles, QSL routes, online Logbook, discussion forums, practice licence ...
Buy, sell, trade HF and VHF equipment, towers, antennas ...Free Ham Radio Classified Ads
Radio on the web has Antique QSL Cards, Streaming Rare DX sound clips, Ham Radio news, DX News, and more!
The American Preppers Network (APN) is a non-profit corporation and part of a growing international movement of people who call themselves preppers. is a Web site dedicated to ham radio (amateur radio).
Serving the US military, Homeland Security, United States Government Agencies, Aerospace Industry, Fortune 500 Electronic Corporations and the Amateur Radio Community, The RF CONNECTION was established in 1979, specifically to address the needs of industries requiring a broad range of products; ranging from cabling, cable accessories, cable connectors and custom cable fabrication.
American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting to hams around the U.S. with news, information and ...
As a Gold Member your contributions will help APN to grow and reach and teach newcomers valuable skills, tips, and ideas to help them live more sustainable life....
W5YI : Your Resource for Ham Radio and Commercial Radio Licensing
Assisting applicants in obtaining the various FCC-issued Amateur and Commercial Radio Operator licenses.
Join us for tonight's Live Show and the interactive chat room!
The DX Zone is a web directory with 20000 Amateur Radio links in 600 categories, established in 1996 is dedicated to DX Long Distance communictations
Hobby kits, assembled units and software for electronics hobbyists, engineers and radio amateurs.
Precision Line Placement with EZ Hang
(U.S. Patent No. 6286495)
Now safer and easier to use, you will hit your mark every time.
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Trust over 14 years of quality products and customer support. Hang your next wire antenna the EZ Hang way.
It will "Shoot" a line up 100 feet or more!
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Max-Gain Systems carries a complete line of fiberglass round and square tube and rod, fiberglass push-up masts, cubical quad spreaders, a WIDE line of RF connectors and adapters, vacuum capacitors and vacuum relays by Jennings, Comet, and Gigavac, the full line of Bristol Wrench products, and many RF and coaxial relays!
Carolina DX Association - W4DXA
Your Ham Radio Universe of fun and information for amateur (ham) radio.
Your Callsign or Name in Oak - By K7BON
K4AVU Amateur Radio Products
K4AVU Amplifier Tuning Pecker - Yaesu FL-7000 Linear Amplifier
Hello, and welcome to, the website devoted to the Yaesu FL-7000 Linear Amplifier! I have been rebuilding, repairing, and applying modifications to the Yaesu FL-7000 amplifier for 17 years. Over600 units completed and counting!
Ham Radio Call Sign Signs
GU-84B HF LINEAR Amplifier
The WA1FFL Ladder-Loc® is a patented strain-relief and mounting support for 450-ohm ladder-line. It is UV-stabilized and has a proven field record of durability.
Please take a look at the several pages of QSL examples for ideas.